How to create a corporate social media playbook

How do you create a corporate social media playbook?

It can be hard getting different departments to create a single tone of voice across the company, with many different social media accounts and personal brands it can be quite a challenge trying to get them all to align.

A corporate social media playbook is a set of guidelines and best practices for how a company should use social media to engage with its audience and achieve its business goals. Here are some steps you can follow to create a corporate social media playbook:

  1. Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with your social media efforts? Do you want to drive brand awareness, generate leads, or increase customer loyalty? Clearly defining your goals will help you create a roadmap for your social media strategy.

  2. Identify your target audience: Who are you trying to reach through social media? Understanding your target audience will help you create content that resonates with them and choose the right channels to reach them on.

  3. Choose your channels: There are many different social media platforms to choose from, each with its own unique audience and features. Determine which channels are the most appropriate for your business and target audience.

  4. Develop a content strategy: Consider what types of content will be most effective in achieving your goals. Will you focus on promoting your products and services, or will you share more educational or informative content?

  5. Establish guidelines and best practices: Create a set of guidelines and best practices for how to use social media in a way that aligns with your brand's values and message. This might include guidelines for tone, language, and frequency of posting.

  6. Train your team: Make sure all employees who will be responsible for managing the company's social media accounts are trained on the playbook and understand how to use social media effectively. (We work with companies to train teams - check out this employee advocacy case study)

  7. Monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor the effectiveness of your social media efforts and make adjustments as needed. Keep track of metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversions, and use this data to inform future decisions about your social media strategy.

We take it a step further for our clients, we sit down and discuss each aspect of what you want from your social media accounts pulling everything into one document that you can train your staff with looking at

  • Where your customers are (Which Social Media)

  • How to write in the company tone of voice (deciding what that tone of voice looks like)

  • Examples of posts

  • How to select on brand images

  • What emojis to use and when

  • How to structure a social media plan

  • How to create a content plan for social media

  • How to respond to social media comments

  • What do you do if you have a crisis on social media?

And many more bespoke things, if you would like to find out more about working with us to create your social media playbook then you can talk to us about the work we have done with Informa and Aon, using the contact us link here

If you want to read more about How to create a corporate social media playbook then check out this case study

Stuart Hall